We  improve performances in hospitals, clinics and laboratories

techno egineering

úéáú è÷ñè:  service life

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úéáú è÷ñè: Effective Decontamination methods for sterile rooms

Ozone   ( O3 )   in gas state is a highly effective decontamination means  for  the  room surface and  HVAC systems.  The gas ozone reaches every little corner and crack that is unreachable or has been skipped by the cleaning team.
In the attached photos you can see the results of air samples for bacteria presence in the air before and after the ozone treatment.

                    .                    After                                             before


techno engineering  Israel
úéáú è÷ñè: P.O,B  291  Rishon Lezion  7171101 Israel.   
email: info@dan4life.com  Mobile +972 52 4700780